Bad Toothache Remedies

When it comes to a toothache, there is nothing worse than trying to remedy the pain with methods that do not work. When a person uses bad toothache remedies, it can be very frustrating. Toothaches are caused by different dental ailments, so to find an effective remedy requires the knowledge of this cause. Before trying to fix a toothache, it is important to understand the limits of toothache remedies. At-home remedies for toothaches are almost always temporary “Band-Aids” and not actual solutions. Before understanding which are bad toothache remedies, it is important to understand why some remedies do work.

Different types of toothache causes

There are several toothache causes. The most common is due to a cavity in the tooth. When a person has poor oral hygiene, genetic predisposition to decay and/or poor dietary habits, bacteria will start to break down the outside of the tooth. This part of the tooth is called the enamel, which is the hardest substance in the body.

The process of the bacteria getting into the enamel is very slow; it can take 2-3 years for bacteria to create a cavity in the enamel extending to the inside of the tooth. Inside the tooth is a much softer material, called dentin, and inside that is the pulp, which is where the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth are located. This is where the nutrition of the tooth is supplied. When a person has a cavity in the tooth that is reaches the pulp, the bacteria starts breaking down the pulpal tissues, including the nerves. The nerves are what tell the body that there is a problem through the sensation of pain.

Another possible problem is the pain associated with a traumatic incident. If a strike to a tooth causes it to become loose, it can cause some discomfort. The tooth may or may not recover from the trauma. If not, the tooth will need to be extracted. Like the cavity, this is also due to the nerve fibers being damaged. For this damage, it is best to see a dentist to really know if the tooth can be salvaged. This is particularly important for anterior teeth, since they provide both a functional and aesthetic purpose.

Toothaches can also happen after dental work has been done. One example is after the extraction of wisdom teeth. While the procedure itself isn’t usually painful because of the use of anesthetic, the recovery stage usually has some discomfort associated with it. This also applies to the extraction of other teeth, but wisdom teeth extractions are usually the most involved of all extraction procedures and therefore usually causes the most pain. Lastly, a simple cleaning of the teeth by a dental professional can sometimes cause some pain that may be mistaken for a toothache. To properly clean the teeth, sometimes the gum tissue undergoes minor damage. This will usually heal itself in a couple days.

Different types of toothache remedies – what works and what doesn’t

First and foremost, a person with a toothache should know that their tooth is not going to feel better long-term using toothache remedies. The only real solution is to visit a dentist. But if the dentist’s office is closed or a person is out of town traveling, remedies can be a good idea to get temporary relief.

Before discussing bad toothache remedies, here are some remedies that do work and how to use them.

  • Take over-the-counter medicine. This is going to be the best solution for many people when it comes to home remedies. There are many pain relievers sold, but the most popular are drugs that contain acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) (such as Ibuprofen). It is best to follow the directions on the bottle label. If you have any questions, talk with your local pharmacist.

  • Rub clove oil on the affected tooth. The clove oil contains eugenol, which works as a mild anesthetic (pain reliever). This chemical is actually used by dentists for the same purpose. It may not work the same as it would at the dentist’s office, but it should still be able to provide some pain relief, depending on the cause of the toothache.

  • Use a hot tea bag on the area. This may or may not work, depending on the nature of the pain. Some people will get relief for this, while others will not.

Those are some of the remedies that do give some relief. One that will absolutely not give relief includes rubbing or chewing ice on the tooth. This isn’t necessarily always the case, but with most toothaches that are caused by bacteria in the pulp (pulpitis), ice will do the opposite of pain relief. In fact, if someone has a toothache, the dentist will sometimes use a cold test to see a change in the sensitivity; usually, there is an enormous increase. The patient will sometimes come out of the chair due to the increase in pain!

Another of the bad toothache remedies includes rinsing the mouth out with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. While it doesn’t always happen, this can also cause increased sensitivity to the area that hurts. For those that are looking for a solution to their pain, it is important to not go in the wrong direction. It would certainly be a mistake to make the problem worse.

Remember going to the dentist is the only real solution

For those that are in pain and don’t have the money to visit the dentist, contact the front desk staff and ask if there are payment plans available. There are many dentists that do offer payment plans. Also, most dentist offices take credit card as payment. These methods will help to get the toothache taken care of while not requiring the full amount of the cost of the work upfront. In the end, it is best to get professional help, especially if the pain has been increasing over time. While doing nothing is not a good choice when it comes to tooth pain, it is even worse to use one of the bad toothache remedies that could possibly worsen the problem.