Toothache Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the e-Toothache Remedies frequently asked questions archive. Here you can find common questions and answers related to a toothache. We suggest that before you contact us with any questions that you review the answers in this archive. Remember, you should also speak with a professional dentist and also follow their advice and recommendations. While the answers in this archive may help relieve your pain it won’t solve the underlying problem; find a dentist as soon as you can afford a visit.

What is a toothache?

A toothache is defined as a painful sensation or pressure directly related to a cracked or infected tooth. Generally a toothache can be one of the most painfully experiences one can go through. The pain can be due to infection from a cavity or a crack in the tooth that exposes the nerve.

What is the cause of a toothache?

The main cause of a toothache is an infection inside of the tooth from a cavity. Pain can also be associated with an exposed nerve from a cracked or chipped tooth. Pain related to hot or cold fluids or food items is usually due to sensitivity issues.

How can you relieve the pain of a toothache?

There are several toothache remedies that can help relieve the pain related to a toothache. However, this is only a temporary solution and you will need to seek the advice and services of a professional dentist. Failure to visit a dentist can result in future episodes of even more severe pain or could even be fatal in certain situations. If you’d have trouble affording a dentist you might want to consider low cost dental insurance.

Do natural toothache remedies really work?

Yes, a natural toothache remedy can work at relieving pain related to a toothache. However, it’s not a permanent solution; you will need to seek the professional services of a dentist as soon as possible. You may use one of our toothache remedies and it may seem like the problem is gone, but actually it’s still there, you just eliminated the pain. You might want to look into dental insurance, a low monthly cost way to lower the cost of a dentist visit.

How can you prevent a toothache?

Proper dental care is essential to prevent a toothache. You should brush your teeth after every meal, this prevents any leftover food from staying in your mouth for extended periods of time. Make sure the tooth paste you use contains fluoride, it helps strengthen your tooth enamel. You should floss at least once a day and visit a dentist twice a year. Also, If you avoid foods that have high sugar content you can also help prevent tooth decay which turns into a toothache without proper care.

What is a tooth abscess?

A tooth abscess is a combination of material that is collecting from a bacterial infection in the center of your tooth. This is usually due to tooth decay and is a very painful experience. It’s important to seek the help of a dentist immediately if you suspect you have a tooth abscess. You can try some of our toothache remedies and see if they help relieve some pain but many might be ineffective by this point. Consider getting dental insurance to help lower the cost of services from a dentist.

How can you relieve the pain of a tooth abscess?

The most painful experience many people go through is a tooth abscess. This is due to the large collection of pus in your infected tooth. Many of our toothache remedies can help some people with the pain but it can’t eliminate it. You should seek the assistance of a dentist as soon as possible. If the pain is very severe and you have a fever you should go to the emergency right away.

How can you prevent a tooth abscess?

Proper dental care is essential to prevent a tooth abscess. You should brush your teeth after every meal, this prevents any leftover food from staying in your mouth for extended periods of time. Make sure the tooth paste you use contains fluoride. This helps strengthen your tooth enamel. You should floss at least once a day and visit a dentist twice a year. If you also avoid foods that have high sugar content you can also help prevent tooth decay which turns into a tooth abscess without proper care.

How can I find a dentist?

You can easily find a local dentist by using our find a local dentist service, which is power by Google Search. This service allows you to get unbiased results for dentists in your area. Avoid using sites that only display dentist offices that have paid to be listed in their directory.

What is Dental Insurance?

Dental insurance is an insurance plan that is designed to cover costs related to dental work. Since health insurance plans do not cover dental work you need a separate policy to cover these expenses. We recommend that you visit our dental insurance web page to learn more in detail about dental insurance and even receive free instant online quotes from multiple dental insurance providers.

How Do I Apply for Dental Insurance?

We make it easy to apply for dental insurance, we’ve teamed up with a provider who can give you multiple dental insurance quotes from different insurance providers. Just visit our dental insurance web page, where you can learn more about dental insurance and get free instant quotes online.