Cold or Hot Compress Toothache Remedy

Cold or Hot Compress for a ToothacheThe cold or hot compress toothache remedy is actually two toothache remedies in one. The hot compress is good for drawing out an infection while a cold compress is good for reducing pain and discomfort. Some people will find either cold or hot works best for them while others alternate between both. Follow the instructions below to make a hot or cold compress for your toothache.

Things You Need
  • Damp Towel (For warm compress)
  • Microwave safeziploc bag. (For both compresses)
  • Ice Cubes

Cold Compress Toothache Remedy Instructions
  1. Add ice cubes to a Ziploc bag.
  2. Add enough water in the Ziploc bag to cover the ice cubes.
  3. Insert that Ziploc bag into another one to prevent any leaks.
  4. Apply for 15 minutes and off for 15 minutes; repeat 4 times a day.

Hot Compress Toothache Remedy Instructions
  1. Wet a towel and ring it out as much as possible.
  2. Fold the towel and place it inside a Ziploc bag.
  3. Place the Ziploc bag (unzipped) inside the microwave for 2 to 4 minutes.
  4. Remove the bag from the microwave, press out all the air and seal it.
  5. Apply on the soar tooth and use a pain reliever.
  6. Repeat this process 2 to 4 times a day.

How the Cold or Hot Compress Toothache Remedy Works

The hot compress toothache remedy works by helping to increase the blog flow to the area where the compress is applied. This will increase the rate at which dead bacteria and your infection is able to move-out while your immune system cells are able to move in. The cold compress toothache remedy works by helping decrease inflammation and swelling and can also help numb the area and provide pain relief. Remember this is not a permanent solution to your toothache; you will need to seek the professional services of a dentist. For a very low monthly cost dental insurance can make a dentist affordable.