Wisdom Toothache Remedies

A patient walks out of the dental office slightly resembling a chipmunk and leaves behind a few wisdom teeth. They are probably feeling pretty good at the moment, but after the anesthetic wears off they may be in search of wisdom toothache remedies. Luckily there are several options to remedy wisdom toothaches and control the swelling accompanied by wisdom tooth removal. Pain relievers, water flushes, and ice are all effective wisdom toothache remedies.

What are suggested wisdom toothache remedies?

Some of the most common wisdom toothache remedies when the wisdom teeth are removed are pain relievers. The strength of the pain reliever necessary depends on the severity of the pain. When wisdom teeth are removed the dentist typically prescribes a pain reliever. Often the dentist will suggest pairing the prescription strength medicine with an over-the-counter pain reliever in order to manage the pain effectively. Once the severe pain subsides, an over-the-counter pain reliever serves as a sufficient wisdom toothache remedy.

Pain relievers are not the only wisdom toothache remedies; another remedy is a syringe of water. The syringe is used to flush the area where the wisdom teeth have been removed. This decreases the risk for dry sockets, when the area becomes infected, and it also relieves the ache. Flushing the area as recommended by the dentist serves as a great wisdom toothache remedy. Salt can be added to the flush to make it more soothing to the tissue. The dentist who pulled the teeth will give instructions on the exact ration of salt to water.

An additional wisdom toothache remedy is using ice pack on the cheek. An ice pack or a bag of frozen peas aids in reducing inflammation and therefore reducing pain. This is a very cost-effective wisdom toothache remedy.

When to seek professional advice for wisdom toothache remedies

Professional advice may be warranted if the pain does not subside after a week or so. This may be an indicator that the site of removal has become infected or dry sockets have occurred. It is important to seek treatment immediately.

Alveolar osteitis, or dry sockets, is a result of the nerves or bone being exposed after a tooth is removed. When the tooth is initially pulled, the nerve and bone is exposed to the air, where microbes in the saliva can infect the socket. Usually a blood clot will block the microbes preventing this problem. In about 2-5% of the cases, this clot will break off causing exposure and the condition dry socket.

Dry sockets can occur after any tooth extraction, but more commonly wisdom tooth extraction. To prevent dry sockets, it is important to avoid using a straw and avoid excessive rinsing or spitting. Those who smoke or have bad hygiene are at a higher risk of developing this problem.

If dry sockets are suspected, contact the dentist to get professional guidance. Many times it will be a false alarm, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Wisdom toothache remedies prior to removal

If the wisdom teeth have not been removed yet, the only true solution is a visit to the dentist. Wisdom toothache is often an indicator that they must be removed.

The cause of the pain may be related to:

  • Impaction
  • Infection
  • Due to a cavity causing inflammation in the pulp

Impaction occurs when the wisdom tooth is coming in making contact with the second molar. This can be very painful because the tooth is not able to break through the gums. The wisdom teeth often come in perpendicular to the other teeth, as opposed to parallel which is how all other teeth erupt. In order to resolve impaction, the wisdom teeth must be removed to relieve the pain and not disrupt the other teeth. Surgical intervention is often the necessary route because the teeth have not erupted from the gum tissue.

Don’t wait too long in pain

The longer a person waits to visit a dentist after wisdom teeth pain starts, the more likely an oral surgeon will need to perform the procedure of removal. For many wisdom teeth extractions, a general dentist will be able to do the job, but only if the teeth are not too impacted.

The route of infection can be from a variety of sources and be the source of wisdom toothache. Bacteria can enter into the nerves and cause severe pain. The only wisdom toothache remedies of this nature must be provided under direct supervision of the dentist. Immediate attention is necessary to rule out impaction and prevent further root damage.

A cavity may be another source of the wisdom toothache. The only permanent solution is to visit a dentist to have the teeth extracted or complete a filling. If in search of an alternative and temporary solution, one may consider using clove oil, a hot tea bag, or over-the-counter pain relievers. Like previously stated, these are only temporary solutions.

Understanding the limitations of wisdom toothache remedies

Whether the toothache happens before the teeth are extracted or after, it is important know the limitations of wisdom toothache remedies.

For those that are in pain associated with post-extraction tissue damage, wisdom toothache remedies can provide relief until the tissue is healed. It may not be complete relief, but when paired with the pain relievers prescribed by the dentist, they can be very effective.

For those that are feeling pain from wisdom teeth currently coming in, the remedies are only short term solutions. The only lasting relief can be achieved by going to a dentist or oral surgeon to have them extracted. Some delay having this done due to financial reasons. This can lead to needing more serious surgery, which only increases the cost of the procedure. It is best to consult your family dentist after the initial onset of pain. From there you can get advice on the best wisdom toothache remedies, most often resulting in extraction of the wisdom teeth. If you are concerned about finances, dentists often provide payment plans to allow you to continue optimal oral health.